Allow yourself to be your true self and gain new knowledge that will help and guide you through your life journey. Feel the power and strength that lies in taking care of your inner being and doing what matters to you. We continuously offer various theme weekends and retreats throughout the year. Below you will find current retreats and theme weekends
Check in: 3:30
The retreat is helt in Swedish. Meet Annelie Pompe - the woman who has climbed the world's 7 highest peaks and has a world title in freediving. She is one of Sweden's foremost adventurers and inspirers with a habit of guiding both the inner and the outer journey in extreme environments. Also meet Cecilia Duberg, health psychologist and mental trainer who coaches athletes, leaders and high-performing TEAMs to develop and achieve dreams with mental strength and health in focus.
Go on an inner journey with one of our full immersion retreats. During the course of our existence we've arranged silent retreats, breath work days, retreats for couples and development journeys. We've enhanced change for the better for over 20 years.
With the help of professionals and Yasuragi's surrounding nature and values, that stem from Japanese culture, you can reach new heights and help the world become a better place for further generations to come. Change starts with ourselves. By accepting first who we are, and then notice and acting on tiny improvements that we can do in our lives, we can have create a lasting impact in our lives and the ones who we come in contact with.