About us

Opening hours

Hotel reception:
Phone: +46 8-747 61 00
Open 24 hours

Spa reception:
Mon - Fri: 8 am - 10.20 pm
Sat - Sun: 7.30 am - 10.30 pm

Kimochi Shop:
Tel: 08-747 61 00
Mail: info@yasuragi.se
Webbshop: www.yasuragishop.se
Open 24 hours

Front Office

Phone: +46 8-747 61 00 (push number 2)
E-mail: info@yasuragi.se


RESTAURANTS – menus and rescheduling of table reservations, contact us at: restaurant@yasuragi.se

JAPANESE BATH – activities, treatments, or anything related to your spa visit, contact us at: japanskabadet@yasuragi.se


Tel: 08 747 64 00
E-post: reservations@yasuragi.se

Mon - Thu: 08.30-17.00 (working days)
Friday: 08.30-16.30 (working days)

Meetings and Events

Phone: +46 8-747 63 00
E-mail: mote@yasuragi.se

Mon - Thu: 08.30-17.00 (working days)
Friday: 08.30-16.30 (working days)

Director of Sales
Fredrik Björkman

Japan in our DNA

In 1972 the Swedish labour union LO bought land on Hasseludden to build a school and conference facility for it´s memebers. The Japanese architect Yoji Kasajima designed the premises. The result was a large and vast building that nestled among the trees and follows the natural contours of the terrain. During the 90´s recession, LO was forced to find new ways to use the well established school. Hasseludden then became a regular conference facility. The former CEO, Lena Tryggstad, noticed a need for new ideas in order to get it going again. Only a unique concept would do! The Japanese lifestyle fascinated Lena and became a source of inspiration that lives on today.


Here you will find our latest press releases, press photos and press contact. Information in swedish

Find Us

Reach Yasuragi by car, boat or buss. You can even go for a hike if you want to.

Kimochi Shop

In our store at the lobby you will find a variety of unique Swedish and Japanese products, our own Nordic Ecolabelled product series with washing soap,  shampoo, conditioner and bodylotion. You will also find the skin care brand Hada, which are used in all our treatments. Hada can also be purchased in our online store - Yasuragishop.se